Friday 2 January 2009

Crazy dawg

Pixie (aka Pothead) is in my charge whilst the crazy gang go skiing for four days. She has spent the whole day being very naughty. She knocked the kitchen bin over twice, stole an entire loaf of bread from the table, appropriated a clementine from somewhere and then to top it all off, wee'd in the guest bed. She has the good grace to be very apologetic and go off to her basket with her tail between her legs every time, but it's becoming a little tiring. She's also in a very gloomy mood which seems to have rubbed off onto me somehow.

I'm manically painting the last little bits of Marianne's kitchen, before laying the carpet tiles tomorrow. Not a job my knees are looking forward to. Am I getting old?

I went out with the camera this afternoon...

The lake is still frozen. Yesterday there was a chap skating - he went past, then a little while later we went past again in the opposite direction, so I deduce that the ice is quite thick.

I take these photographs on a digital camera, but I don't digitally enhance them, crop them or alter them in any way. The colours are real!

There has been no snowfall since Boxing Day, but everywhere is covered in ice crystals that grow daily. It was minus 10 degrees celcius, but it's a dry cold so it's not unpleasant. I was outside in just a shirt (well, and trousers) for fifteen minutes and was quite warm, apart from my fingers, which absolutely froze.

For all you lunatics... We're going walkies now.

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