Friday 26 December 2008

Swedish Christmas

I have just returned from three magical days at Göran and Siv's (Niklas's parents) holiday house, along with Marianne, Niklas, Josephine and Alex and some extended family. There wasn't a lot of snow, but it was definitely a white Christmas, my first. The house is a very old cottage in the woods, small and very cosy.

I was given the honour of being Santa Claus on Christmas Eve (maybe because no-one else wanted to do it?) Swedish Christmas presents all have poetry written on the tags, which must be read out, a task which called for the special skills of the Head Elf.

We went to candlelit midnight mass at the church in the village, then out for a walk to an ancient hill fort on Christmas day.

My thanks to everyone, especially Göran and Siv, for a wonderful Swedish Christmas.

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